Hi all, we have a hp mini note on the linux os , we want to put on xp pro which we have on a cd ( 5yrs old)not the real one but works on all other macines. the thing is we have a usb drive(flash 1gb) no external cd rom drive, we want to erase linux and replace with xp can someone please help us? how do we copy the files from the open disk to the flash drive and what do we do? please guys help realy needed. Happy new year in advance Spiritwalker
I recently did the same thing on my Acer netbook; i'm not at home though so can't remember which usb-boot setup i used. Will see if i can google for it and jog the cobwebs
No worries. Does your HP have a proper hard drive or an 8GB SSD drive ?, i ask as if it's SSD you'll need to use something called nlite to remove a lot of stuff out of the XP install to fit it on.. edit- I found the info that i used to make a USB stick bootable - http://www.netbooktech.com/tag/acer-aspire-one-bios-update-instructions/ It's coming back to me now ..I didn't install XP via the USB stick but used the stick purely for updating the BIOS prior to the XP install. I have loads of dvd burners in USB 2.0 enclosures so i then installed XP via one of those.
hi creaky, its a 100gb hard drive and the laptop is an hp mini note 2133 on linux, can we erase linux somehow and then clean install xp pro? if so how can we do this not forgetting we have only a flash drive of 1gb to use and the xp disk
Try that link above to make the USB stick bootable. Then use another pc to copy the windows cd onto the stick and see if you can boot it on the HP. You probably have to access the bios of the HP on bootup to make it boot off the stick.
cheers for that creaky but still no luck, xp runs fine off the stick on my other pc but the hp wont read the files, is there a way i can totally erase linux from the machine and then run xp set up from stick? i use a bleach disk for mine called webroot but if i could get something the same in linux then maybee!!
You just need to figure out how to set the bios to boot from the usb stick. edit- i just googled and when booting the mini note you need to hit F9 to bring up a boot device selection window. http://www.liliputing.com/2008/04/install-windows-xp-on-mini-note-usb.html