Please move as needed. I have two HP desktops a DC6000 and DC7900 from their BUSINESS line. The OS installation process consists of a 2 CD set, RESTORE and OS. The restore CD is model specific. The 7900 came with this set, the 6000 did not. The 8000 from their ELITE line is apparent ly the same unit except for the fact that physicaly it is a mirror image, that is the BUSINESS MB is mounted inside the LEFT while the ELITE is mounted inside the RIGHT as viewed from the front. Is the restore/OS set from the ELITE 8000 the same as the DC7900? What is the ELITE model equal to the DC6000? Would the cd set also be the same? Any help welcome.
The easiest method if you have a key would be a torrent iso of the same OS type i assume it's win 7,if your intending to sell or maybe check ebay for recovery discs. Other option create a differential image of the 7900 & load it to the 6000 & see what happens,you'll need the key of the 6000 last option & my personal favorite as it avoids the crap above,download any win 7 & use daz loader
I found a seller of the 6000 set. I bought one. In the meantime I used the 7900 set IN the7900 to write XP to another hdd using a clone software app. Then transplant the hdd back to the 6000. Inconveinent but works.
Create a backup copy of those recovery discs you have,use good quality media like verbatim with azo on the packaging.use imgburn if you don't have any burning software,you could also create iso's of them & upload them for safe storage to any free cloud storage site you may have.As for xp create backup images as you go,just in case the proverbial hits the fan as they work better than "system no restore".If at all possible have them stored on more than 1 hdd 3 imo is preferrable edit:those discs more than likely won't be copy protected,original microsoft install discs aren't @aldan a fabulous piece of software
Thanks but your advice is way out of my abilities. I found a seller for these model specific 2 piece cd and bought a st. Except for the fact that the restore plus cd is model specific the process is typical. Since I am dealing with SATA I will simply make multiple hdd copies using todo back up.
Which part ! you mean copying the restore discs ? install imgburn then start it (its free & very popular even at afterdawn) put cd in your drive tray "select create image file from disc" then navigate to the drive the cd is in by selecting "source" then just below source set the "destination" (you can send it to any place on the hdd either desktop,my docs or where ever) at this point when task is complete you can burn the iso to a cd or place it on an external there is a tutorial for imgburn in the menu bar of it under the "Help" As for creating backup images with easeus that's easy & uses far less space & time than cloning start program the first at the top is "Backup" select "system backup". at the bottom select "backup options" then next window appears. select "medium compression", then two tabs over "priority" sets the cpu usage,if you have dual core medium will be fine,if you want to play safe select normal.then hit ok bottom right you'll be back at the earlier window ,a short description can be done in the space provided below the logs tab at top near right.After which select destination for the file (giving it a name would help identifying what it is), a folder can be created if desired then hit proceed once finished you'll have a container of sorts with a backup of your OS
Burning an image or a dvd is beyond my ability plus I do not have a burning drive nor media. I found that the RESTORE PLUS CD is model specific. I have been cloning hdd to hdd using TODO BACK UP in my dc7900 after I created a master hdd using the same desktop and the restore cds for THAT desktop. One the master is done I can clone multiple hdds at will. I found the restore cd for the dc600 and bought a set. Issue solved in my own way. Thanks for your advice anyway.