Huge Nero Problem

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Goxy, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. Goxy

    Goxy Guest

    Hi. I have one problem with Neri I cannot find answer. It concernig copy DVD movies. When I go to Nero Express after I put movie DVD in my Pioneer DVD-120 reader and blank DVD in my Pioneer DVDR-106D writter. I tur off on the fly and i select folder to writte DVD image first. When I start DVD reader eject CD with movie and seyst that DVD is invalid or blank.
    I find problem but do not know how to solve iy. In disc info in Nero Express nero recognize movie DVD as CD-Rom. How can I mek him thet it recognize those DVD as DVD. I have NERO ULtra Edition (the last one)
  2. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    First, make sure you have the DVD Tab selected, and not the CD tab before you choose the Copy option from Nero StartSmart.

    If you are launching Nero Express directly, use the drop down box to indicate you wish to use DVD creation option and not CD.

    And last, make sure the DVD you are attempting to copy is not copy protected.


  3. Goxy

    Goxy Guest

    I know how to use DVD copy in Nero and DVD's I coppy are not copy protected, because I used my brothers NERo, but his nero work just fine. Mine is not. HE has AMD Athlon and his reader is secondary Master and writter is primary slave and his components are LG. My Pioneer reader is secondary slave, writter is secondary master. I don't have primary slave at all. Maybe that can be a problem but I doubt. Also I have Roxio Easy Medi Creator 7, and Roxio WinOnCD (DVD Edition) installed on my PC and that application works OK. I don't know what is wrong with Nero, meybe it conflicts with those two apps, but I've never had software conflicts. Any ideas how to make Nero work?
  4. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Hmm, strange.

    Try this, just as a way of isolating the issue.

    Use the same Copy feature, but instead of selecting your Recorder as the destination, use the Image Recorder to copy to an NRG or ISO file on the Hard Drive.

    Then use the 'Burn Image to Disc' option to select the image you created and write to DVD.

    If you still have a problem, then it could be caused by the source drive reading the DVD you wish to copy.

    Try the Copy operation again, but this time use the DVD Recorder as both the source and destination.


  5. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Roxio can cause problems just by being installed, as long as the packet writing software is not installed. I prefer nero, alcohol 120% & dvdx platinum to burn dvds. Which one I use is up to what I am doing. I have had problems, similar to yours, with the ultra nero & had to reinstall the older version. The older version rarely lets me down.
  6. Goxy

    Goxy Guest

    I discover the problem. Nero don't allw you to copy ripped DVD movies. They said it's illegal, Funny guys. If I ripped my own DVD from original DVD moviee. Is it illegal? With original DVD movies there is no problems at all. Older version of NERO not have this problem. But i don't have older version, and i think there is no place on net where you can get it.
    Well thanks guys for hepl. I appreciate thet. I'll stick with Roxio WinonDVD 6, It works great and faster then Nero.
  7. djcsurf

    djcsurf Guest

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