So for lord knows how long now my edit button has not been present on my posts, and yes I am logged in. I sent an email about this to feedback and received this reply: There still in an edit button on top right of each message, but remember you need to be logged in. Yours, (Name Deleted) Now I have been known to be on some pretty good meds (lol) and so I checked again, making sure that I was indeed logged in (which of course I was or how else could I have posted a message??!!) and promptly replied with a picture copy of the forum page where I had posted two comments both of which have NO edit button, and which at the top showed me logged in. As a side comment it even showed the send an IM icon that is located at the end of the name bar for other people's posts. I figured that by sending this pic in and explaining that it is clearly obvious to see that my icon is not present... well enuff said.... I then get back: Edit button looks like this I assure you it is there! Following the link of course shows the edit button ON A BLANK PAGE. Which shows me that there is in fact an html page where a pic of the button is stored but doesn't adress it NOT being on my post. This person replying who shall remain nameless out of respect for the admin either did not even look at my email, received email in text only format which does not display the pic I sent or just thinks that I am so freaking STUPID that by sending me a link with a pic of the button I would suddenly realize that it was indeed present and was not a pretty little picture for my amusement on my posts! Regardless of how we now edit our posts, if we do or do not use an edit button which this person insists is present for me, which is NOT, this type of response really pisses me off. This type of reply just presumes that I am so freakin STUPID and IGNNORANT that I just can't identify the pic link used for edit... I mean come on! If the staff cant even LOOK AT THE EMAIL I SEND to feedback to see that indeed the pic clearly shows that there is NO edit link then what is the feedback staff exactly doing? GRRRRRRR
however LOL now that my post is in HERE the edit button is in fact present.....LMFAO however it STILL is not present here: ??
the edit button has never been present in the actual news articles; to edit your comment, you need to head to the AD forums and scroll to the News Comments subforums under General Discussion, where you can locate the particular article's comments.