Anyone here has used a Recovery Software that you think worked the best for you?. i need a good tool that will get ALL of my stuff out of this HDD, a Fresh Copy of XP is on it as we speak. thank you
See posts in this thread: If you have written to the drive - like reinstalling windows - you have somewhere between totally ruined and significantly reduced your chances of getting anything back.
bluecoal, don't count on that as i've done that even after a fresh install of windows i was still able to retrieve the info.
What I said was what I've read in a lot of places. I have not had to go through that experience, so I don't know personally. If it will work, that's great, and the poster has your list of software in the other thread.
By the way, I like the site. When I get some time I want to wade through posts in the DVD and CD sections to learn things about those.
2nd on the list but the professional version. got that off a friend when i ghosted a drive from 1 hd to another but ghosted blank hd onto data hd instead of vice versa. the customer's daughter had info on the data hd that she needed for court that i was able to retrieve with that program.
I have used Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery Software. It worked perfectly well recovering almost all of my data. It is a file and partition recovery utility which recovers data from formated hard drive, or data lost due to software malfunction, viruses or even sabotage. A free demo version can be downloaded from: which help us to make decision prior to purchase. If the demo shows the recovered data then to save get the full version. Hope this will also help you out in recovering your data.