hi i just got myself into this mp3 thing, got me an mp3 player...but here is where i am stumbling... other then ripping my own cds and converting them to mp3s, i have heard and read of subscription services like itunes, allofmp3 and others...where i guess you have to subrscribe to them and pay for downloads, right? ok, so can someone list me some good sites, cheap and reliable that are out there, please? and other then the paid sites above, are they are free sites that will let you download full mp3 songs and albums? thank you all, carapalid.
You can use P2P if you want it free, but there are no sites that give it to you for free that are legal. Go with Itunes or rhapsody.
thank you dvdback32...do you mind if i ask you another question? i was reading yesterday about mp3 compressions...but i am a little lost here too...when i rip my cds into mp3, the songs come out huge, for example a song from NIN "closer" is like 5.1mb. i am using blaze media pro to do this. this program also has a way of compressing the mp3s, but i noticed that it did not work so well. i guess i want to ask you if you have any links of sites that can explain to me how i should rip the cdas from my cds to mp3s...and/or how to make an existing mp3 smaller? i would appreciate some info if you know of anything, please? thank you in advance.
This guide is probably one of the best for mp3 making: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/mydeneaclame.cfm
thank you chriso123...but do you know how big the mp3s get by using the method you showed me? i have a 2 gig mp3 player and i would like to fit as many songs as i can... thank you again to all...
carapalid, Are you using WMP to rip? Cause you can easily change the bitrate lower to save space and compress your mp3s. Let me know
to dvdback123... i am using winamp...i have windows media player on my pc but i never used it. with all this copyrighted stuff going on...i wasn't sure if windows media player does any checking on cds/songs that you try to rip and block you from doing it...never used windows media player... so i am using winamp...and i have read arround the net to use lame as the enconder... i got a 2 gig player, according to the player info it says a 2 gig will hold 500 songs...i am trying to figgure out with witch settings they are saying that i can fit 500 songs in it...i want to fit as much as i can into my mp3... i don't really care for the gons being the "best mp3 quality", just small...and decent to listen... any info would be appreciated...and thank you