I am new to this game, need guidance

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by candago29, May 1, 2004.

  1. candago29

    candago29 Member

    Apr 30, 2004
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    I have shrink and decrypter installed and have just used decrypter to read my first DVD to the HD and don't know how to pocede from here. I have read that all files together have to be under 4.36 GB to use simple burning method, but larger files are harder. My first dvd has 7.6 GBs of data to burn.

    I am reading many posts about many things related to dvd burning such as software on nero that helps to aid these processes. I am totally new this but learn very fast so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. viper6699

    viper6699 Guest

    the best way to achieve what you require is to use DVD Shrink to "re-author" the file you have ripped.

    if i were you i would the guide on shrink (found via guide tab at the top of the screen) and see how you go from there.

    but basically what you need to do is open the ripped file with shrink and cut out any extra bits you dont require (subtitles, feature and the like).

    once you have done this shrink will compress what you have chosen to burn down to a 4.7gb dvd. and then you will be able to burn this with decrypter.

    take note though that the more you choose to keep on your back up then the less quality you will have on the final product.......so for a good quality back-up.....edit out as much as you dont need.

    hope this helps a little.......if you have any further questions you know where we all are.

    welcome to the club.....
  3. candago29

    candago29 Member

    Apr 30, 2004
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    Thanks Viper!

    I'll try your suggestions and let you know how it went.

  4. candago29

    candago29 Member

    Apr 30, 2004
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    I am really not getting anywhere with this whole process. The guides aren't helping as much as I would like. I have ripped a dvd with decrypter and then tried to use shrink to reduce the size to fit on dvd-r.

    I went through what the guide said to do in shrink. I took out some of the audio tracks etc and decoded the file to the HD VIDEO_TS folder so I could burn it with decrypter. I try to start burning from decryter but it tells me the files that are in folder can't be burned because they are not compatible (to big I assume).

    Also, the shrink guide does not tell me anything about dealing with menu files. I can't see anything else I can exclude that will make the size small enough for decryter. I am at 4,464MB and without menu stuff I am at 4,463MB in shrink. I read something about ISO mode, I think my files say IFO. Is that a problem.

    Also what are ASPI settings? Should I be worried about this? I have a new system so my computer is a good one.
  5. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Advanced SCSI Protocol Interface or something like that. You need to have the latest ones installed, Nero comes with its own but i prefer to use Adaptec version 4.71.2 (combo with 4.60)

    Run through the guide in my signature for DVD SHrink and you can rip/compress with ease. There is then a guide for burning with Nero or Record Now. Very easy to follow. The site is

  6. candago29

    candago29 Member

    Apr 30, 2004
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    Hey Oriphus,

    I thank you for your assistance. The sites you directed me to were a big help. Everything is working fine now. Thanks again!
  7. viper6699

    viper6699 Guest

    i may be totally wrong about this but i think decrypter will only burn an iso file. you can use shrink to create an iso after you have cut out all your extra bits. if you have the compression set at auto with shrink then the output file it creates will not be too big for your blank dvd.

    would be a help to us in helping you if you can list what software you have available......i like to burn with nero but alas it costs money so at moment am only suggesting the shrink and decrypter option as it is free


    KRAMER Guest

    Try using Decryptor then dvd2one then nero 6 it may be a long and hard process but it does work and sometimes it does help to have 2 hard drives as it is easy for the computer to process the data.
    that's what I use and it works for me.
  9. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Im glad you have everything sorted. There will be more information/guides on the site in about 2 weeks that you might find useful as well.

    Have fun

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