Ok I am new to this site. I am having major problems and I thought someone on here could help me. I am not even quite sure what my ? is. Let me start from the beginning. I used to always play dvds on my computer. When I stick it in a thing comes up asking me what program I want to use and I select. I was trying to install AOA ripper and some how I screwed everything up. Now that box dosn't pop up and I can not play my dvd. I also installed the trial version of Intervideo windvd but then I realized that I already had power dvd and I tried to uninstall intervideo but it won't let me. Is this why it won't play? The second ? I have is this when I try to use AOA ripper I press load DVD and it asks me to select a DVd driver. Everything that I select comes up saying "no IFO found in video ts". That is about where I am at right now. Do the two have anything to do with each other? Can someone help me please!
the popup box can be turned back on in my computer right clicking on the drive in question go: properties/autoplay not surte what AOA ripper is? or not finding an ifo part? try loading the dvd to dvd shrink a free app just to test it loads in that app. get dvdfab for ripping another good free app.
Thanks for your help but I think me and my computer are hopeless. I'm going back to bed and I'll try again in the morning. Thanks again