Hi, i just tried to copy a adobe training DVD to vhs tape and all i see is snow but there is sound, i knew this was gonna happen due to copy protection, but what kind of porteciton and how does it work? IS it a DVD dsic thing, DVD player thing, or VCR thing? and i tried the other way to i tried to copy snow white VHS to DVD+R just teh experiemtn and i got a COPY PROTECTED ERROR on my Lite-on DVD recorder. IS this a recorder protection or is it built in to teh vhs. How can i tell bettwen hollywood vhs and my own home videos? thanks, j
Go buy a product called GoDVD by Sima and your problems are solved. I have been dubbing dozens of commercial tapes to DVD without a hitch since getting one. Got mine from TigerDirect.com. Raymond
Hi there, It's a VCR thing, because the signal coming out of the DVD is clean, else your TV would not display it properly Here's what I would personaly do. RIP it to my HDD with DVD Decrypter (Free) and/or with AnyDVD running in the background, but you need to buy AnyDVD so there's money involved here. This will remove all copy protection. Burn it to a DVD-R to keep, or a DVD Rewritable just for now. Then you should be able to copy it without a problem ! Now this is for DVD to VHS Tape.
My qustion is with (GoDVD by Sima)will it copy the new movies, because there always comming out with better protection...
The GoDVD is really only for DVD-VHS or VHS-DVD transfers. All it does is filter out the Macrovision signal. The new protection schemes you are talking about are for those making duplicate DVD's on their computers. As for what the Macrovision does to your tape... The protection scheme puts out spikes in the signal that your TV ignores, but makes your DVD or VHS player go crazy when it sees them on the input signal. It's to keep you from making VHS copies of your DVD's and DVD copies of your tapes. Of DVD copies of your DVD's. The GoDVD filters out the spikes and allows the device to record the tape or DVD. For DVD to DVD copying, yes, use your computer.
[ BirningAs ] You say you have a LiteOn unit Go to these sites and check, You may not have to get any other equipment to do what you say. The forms are mostly on the ilo, but ilo is a LiteOn product. There is a difference in the operation and firmware. Again check these forums throughly. http://ncc2315.com/ilo/ http://www.techolio.com/forums/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=03013f28444f61a53d4edd481b671d3e http://www.normediasolutions.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=12 PS: --- Depending on your wants, you may not need a PC. I used to use it but not any more. (OH) I just copyed a VHS tape of Snow White, to my DVD recoder and it was no problem and I didn't have to use any additional equipment.