i broke my xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Qchambs, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. Qchambs

    Qchambs Guest

  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    In the video, do you have a game in DVD drive when you booted xbox?
  3. Qchambs

    Qchambs Guest

    yeah i have mech assault in there ive tried using other games and the same thing happens
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    what happen if you turn on xbox without any game in DVD drive?
    Do you see microsoft logo appear under XBOX?
    which error code show up?
  5. Qchambs

    Qchambs Guest

    the same thing happens with or without a game in the dvd drive there can even be a disc from a diffrent console and it will still happen and there isnt an error code that shows up
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2006
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Hmm.. When you turn on the xbox, it is just trying to go Live. Your msdash is damaged.

    Is there anyway that you can play games? So try to play games if you have like Halo2, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Gosht Recon (new one).

    Hopefully it will reinstall ms dash.
  7. Qchambs

    Qchambs Guest

    i tried using need for speed most wanted and halo 2 and neither of them worked ive also tried using some other games but none of them work
  8. pbstar44

    pbstar44 Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    worst comes to worst gamestop can proble fix it
  9. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    do you have any autoinstaller disk? if so, try to load them.
  10. Qchambs

    Qchambs Guest

    no i dont have any kind of autoinstaller disk
  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    did you make backup for msdash?
    Or do you have the complete ms dash?
  12. Qchambs

    Qchambs Guest

    i dont have a back up for the ms dash but i got the ms dash downloaded on to a disk and i tried using it but it didnt do anything
  13. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    So hotswap is the next step.
    Do you know about PC?
  14. Qchambs

    Qchambs Guest

    no im not to sure what any of that stuff is ive heard about hotswapping but i dont knwo what it is
  15. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  16. dvaesedum

    dvaesedum Member

    Jan 17, 2006
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    dude, there is nothing wrong with your xbox. Happened to me too. All you need, is splinter cell stealth action redefined or something, cant be platinum. You need sid 4.0 and a tut for it, and you need the sid 4.0 files. ALSO, YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE ALL THE XBL UPDATES, which are required. All the newest updates are required. You must have an xbl account created before you mod, and what you have is easey to fix, click uninstal mod from the menu of whatever instaler u used for modding dude, its easy. check out se7ensins.com s tuts, not advertising, im jus trying to help u!
  17. tocool4u2

    tocool4u2 Guest

    The problem with the language thing is just a bad linux save that is corrupted(It happned to me the first time i started modding all i did was Get my Demo desk that came with my starter kit...And it updated my MS dash tehn got a new linux save from Xbins
  18. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    If he can load the linux file through splinter cell, then he already fixed it.

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