When I stick my ridata 2.4x rated disk in my burner, I can't adjust the speed at which it burns at. It is stuck at 4x. 4x isnt going to work at all and gives me errors. If I take the disk out, I can once again adjust the speeds. I've stuck in other brands of media and I can adjust the speeds w/ those. Whats going on w/ this disk thats not allowing me to burn at the rated speed? Please help. thanks.
this is the speed that your drive is giving for this disk. Ridata are not the best of quality disks available to burn..... I suggest you buy better media. but to be sure..... what is the make and model # of your burner so we can look it up and see the capabilities of the drive! Also this Ridata disk... is this an RW disk? why is the disk a 2.4X disk? Is this an old disk? New media right now is 8x-16x disks out there..... so this 2.4x disk has either got to be a very old disk and is not very good with your drive or it's an RW disk and still that's a very old speed so your drive may not know how to handle the disk or have the correct write strategy to burn the disk. again..... make and model # of your burner?
Your Ridata disk is probably a DL (double layer or dual layer) disk. Nero has problems with burning speed with DLs (mine is always greyed out on maximum no matter which brand I use). I've gone to using ImgBurn when I'm burning DLs because ImgBurn allows you to control burning speed with DLs.