help! i dl mr and mrs smith the other day and it downloaded it so quick. it only took an hour and it was a 700mb file. but the thing is when i tried to open it it slows downlown my pc and then it says it cant open the file. and i cant delete the file because it says it is in use. i tried restarting the pc but its still there
make sure youre torrent program is not running when u restart your pc(u could delete it from ur program alltogether)and if that doesnt work end the process by ctrl+alt and del then click processes and selecting it and then end process.
hey mate i had the same problem jus before christmas its soo anoying when it hapns lol but there is a program that will just delete it wether or not its in use with another program or not. The program is called "Unlocker", if u just type that in on google it should be the first result. It comes up as "unlocker 1.8.3 by cederick "nitch" collomb. go on there and just read about it and see what you think but i have used it many times to help me out =] i don't know if its what you need because i had a movie file that was a fake file and it ended up in me having to have my computer reformatted because it had attatched its self to the files that my computer used to boot up so everytime the cmputer bootd up the malicious objects released by th movie file also bootd at th sme time with it therfore slowing the whole computer down and wouldnt let you delete the file. Please post back with your result and / or if u have any questions then i'll do my best to help
i've had the same problem. what i've done is create a file with the same name. drag it into the same folder and when it asks to overwrite, say yes. hope it helps.
heres something that probably isnt the problem but sometimes it is, check to make sure that is not marked "read only"
whihc method worked just out of interest? you know soo people on here no how to do it in the future, saves people time by not having to ask they can just search it instead. He-man lmao i hardly think a few posts here an there is enough for mod status lol the mods here at afterdawn work really hard to make this site a friendly welcoming place and i respect them for that an wouldnt compare myself to them
why thank you =] i was like havin ago or anything i was jus sayin lol but nice of you to notice the quality of my posts =P i wouldnt have said that they are much different to yours really or anybody round here. But ye thanx for the compliment i will never turn down a compliment lol thnx He_Man