The background for NTSC is 720x480, PAL 720x576. If your image is approximately like your TV screen ( a horizontal photo) then it will look ok, otherwise it will be squeezed or flattened to fit. This program lets you select and view and save images as they will appear on tv. It's meant for creating still menu backgrounds, so remove anything that's not required. Create Menu graphic Page (correct size pal/ntsc) with VCDMenu Lite VCD Menu lite ConvertX:Settings>Authoring>Include Menu then select image.
Thanks A Lot I have another problem with ConvertXtoDVD. When I go to convert appear this error: No decodable video stream found. Can't convert. Unsupported decoder (id=0)for input stream #0.0, discarding stream What Can I do for this error? Thanks
It is a valid video file?. Download 'GSpot', drag the file onto it and verify that codecs are installed. Then press buttons 1 and 2,a window will open and let you view the video.