My LG 4120B just died one me And from drives Ive been looking for Lite-On 1693S was on my list and I came across the DRU-800A from sony.... SO I bought it. I cross flashed it. Im wondering though could the Lite on firmware harm this drive? or is it 110% a lite on?
Does it work, since you cross flashed it? Do a search of the internet to find out who made that Sony.
they say the dru-800a is made by lite-on thats why i did it. its the same drive rebaged but i wonder if anything else is different its working great just dont know if its 110% the same drive. lots of sites claim it is.
it IS the same drive i have the OEM Liteon SOHW-1693S, which is the identical drive under the Sony dru-800a offering~ you should be just fine cross-flashing it the way you did...since i do not own the Sony dru-800a, i can not tell you if the Sony firmware has any advantages over that of the Liteon, but the Liteon firmware has served me just fine...currently using this one: good luck docTY~