I DL'd some music and the file extensions show up as .TPB.torrent if i click on them and use the web to find appropriate program it comes up with a site that extracts equations and molecules and things. how do i get to play or extract these files?
Woah you really are a newbie! You need a Bittorrent client to open torrent files and then the client downloads the files you actually want. This could take quite a while depending on your internet connection and the number of seeds (uploaders) the file has. .TORRENT files are very small, and contain no audio information, only information for a client to download the files. Good BitTorrent clients are Azureus, BitComet and μTorrent.
The mods should move this thread to the P2P forum room. The original Client is called well, BitTorrent or course. http://www.bittorrent.com/ Windows P2P forum room here at AD: http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/18 Ced
Ok fair enough, there's a P2P section which I forgot about, I never really thought of AD as a P2P-orientated site though. And Google searches for P2P information do not link to AD from my experience.
Google does link to AD. That's why we get so many newbie questions. Sorry for having a go but that it is the truth.
No worries, I'll take your word for it, being a "senior member" and all. Sorry for any misleading comments!
lol, no worries dude. something that is weird is if you type your username in on google it links to your afterdawn posts.
Yeh, I would guess that works with most people's nicks. My AD nick is different from the username I use everywhere else because of a character limit when I registered! Not sure whether it's still in place.
Really? How come? Don't you think that having the same name on different forums means people will recognise you and your reputation etc.
nope. because when I try to register the same username it's already taken. this is the first site where I have actually posted more than one question.