i flashed wrong

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by redmarker, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. redmarker

    redmarker Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    i have an xecuter 2.6 ce lite plus (solderless), have it plugged in and working. i originally got the flashbios 303 screen and upped a bios into it. it didn't work right, so i tried a newer version (x2 4977) and wasn't paying attention. so i ended up putting the same bios in bank 1 and 2 and screwed myself over.

    is there a way to master reset and get back to the flashbios screen. or reload the bios using a disk. i tried using the disk technique many times, and it never seems to do anything. i didn't enable ftp flashing, fyi.
  2. Voodooz

    Voodooz Guest

    I think for the 2.6ce your going to have to get a programmer to sort this problem out.I don't remember any info about a reset option when I fitted this chip.
  3. redmarker

    redmarker Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    i did more research this morning, and found a xbe program called flashx, that allows you flash the bios inside of the OS. pretty neat. but once i got that fixed, i ran into another problem. i listed it in a new thread.

    just can't seem to escape some sort of problems no matter what i do =(

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