I found out how to fix the matshita UJ-840D dvd+/- laptop drive

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by majanboo, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. majanboo

    majanboo Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    I could not add a reply because I was a newbie so I'm adding the response here to this post:


    I basically typed everythign up here:

    but here is the repost of what I did. It seemed windows XP, recognized the issue after I went through all of this, and may have had its own fix(its been a few months since i did it, I don't remmber exact)

    Any way Here you go:

    I Got the fix for problem with the matshita UJ-840D
    *****back your importnat business/school data up before doing this. Just as a precautionary measure!!!****

    here is a start

    techzilla would not let me post at the lik about i have no idea why but here goes.

    first i tried this from sharky forum:

    Mako Shark

    Nemesys's Avatar

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    The name says it all, these drives are total garbage. They have absolutely no support. I would go to the notebook manufacturer's web site and check if there are any firmware updates (doubtful).

    An exclamation mark in Device Manager suggests a corrupted Registry entry which normally cites an error Code 31, Code 32, Code 19, Code 39, or Code 41.


    Start your Registry Editor.

    Locate the UpperFilters value under the following key in the registry:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4 D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

    If present, delete the UpperFilters

    Locate the LowerFilters value under the same key in the registry:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4 D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

    If present, delete the LowerFilters

    Quit Registry Editor.

    Restart the computer.

    NOTE: After you remove the Upperfilters value and the Lowerfilters value, if you notice lost functionality in a particular program, such as CD recording software, you may need to reinstall that software.

    Otherwise, optical drives do not require drivers other that the cdrom.sys and atapi.sys drivers that are automatically loaded by Windows.

    and after nothign happened. I figured i needed to restart, but before i did I downloaded the drivers for the drive listed here http://www.techzilla.info/viewtopic.php?t=7 and installed them I did not try the last post listed on this link.(just realized that now, so may be wrth a try before going my route)

    after installing the drivers everything seemed ok until i restarted my computer then my comp got stuck at the windows login screen. and my keys and mouse on my laptop stopped working for some reason(even when i plugged in the usb keyboard and mouse from another computer they didnt work). so i rebooted and this time took windows into safe mode(i believe its hold F5 or F8 as the computer is restarted[friend helped over phone]) once i got to the options(regular windows start, safe mode start, safe mode with networking start, etc) i chose reboot windows with last known good configuration. after i did this all my headaches with this matshita uj-840 drive were gone.Its as if windows realized what was wrong and then fixed i...possibly with the help of the driver I installed.

    I can now play dvds with out them jerking/skipping ever 3 seconds, movies are way smother. games are better as well no issues at all ..period.

    i hope this halps many people out there on the net.
    much thanks to techzilla for getting the ball rolling.


    oh my laptop is a
    compaq presario v2000(bluish black on the outside and gre on the inside, widescreen as well)
    AMD turion 64 ML-37
    512 ddr ram(pc2700)
    ATI radeon express x200

    hopefully this helps.
  2. majanboo

    majanboo Member

    Feb 19, 2007
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    I forgot to add that I can now burn DVD's in around 3min 30secs to 7 minutes. Instead of the previous 50 minutes to 1 hour and 20min.

    My burner now burns at 8x, and also the annoying lag/skip/chopping every 3 seconds when playing dvd movies is gone. It works flawlessly.

    Oh except once in a blue moon when I put advd in to burn the drive dissapears from my computer completely and is non existent. So what I do is restart and then go through the file selection/burn process(select which file to burn in nero) and wait for nero to tell me that it is in need of a blank dvd to continue the burn process. Then thats when I insert the dvd and everything works perfectly after that.

    please let me know if this is helpful for you guys.
    Stumbled on this whole fix by mistake.

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