I have a few DVD copies which I no longer have the original DVDs, and I want to copy a copy. I have tried to use decrypter and Nero6 to read my copied DVDs to make the image but I get a read error towards the end of the process. For decrypter I get Error 19:21:19 Failed to copy VTS_01_5.VOB! It's the same VTS_01_5.VOB file that won't read for all my copied DVDs that I am trying this with. There are 4 other VTS files like this one that read fine right before the that one fails. The VTS_01_5.VOB file is the last VTS file and the smallest. It's 133,300KB and the 4 before are at 1,048,574KB and they read fine. I am lost on this one.
Sooner or later someone is going to say, "it's illegal to copy a copy," but I won't. Now your problem...check your discs for scratches and smudges. Try DVD Shrink if you haven't tried it yet. If it gets through it's quick-analysis it might work for you. Also try a Nero 1:1 copy but don't use the 'on-the-fly' option. Try Smartripper or even the trial version of CloneDVD2 with AnyDVD. Bottom line is the DVD can't be read or acessed, no program is going to be able to rip & copy it. luck-