I dont have a modchip but i thought u didnt need 1 to tranfer mp3 and other files to the x-bopx. r u supoosed to accesa the x-box via windows explorer? do u know why ui cnt ead it?
You don't need a chip on your xbox if you flash your on board bios. But you do in a chip or flash your on board bios to ftp into your xbox. Xbox it self doen't run ftp. You need a program to do that like Evox. And for that you need a chip or u need to flash your onboard bios. Plus if you don't have a chip and if your xbox is unmoded, your xbox won't be able to see the mp3's and the other files you plan to transfer over to the xbox.
thnx alot. How do i flash mt bios if i dont have a chip? and do u kbnow where to get a good modchip? Is the excuter lite 2.3 solderless chip good?
Id go with a chip before i would try the hack. And yes the 2.3 Lite + is a good chip. Make sure its the "b" version though.