I had a blackout

Discussion in 'Mac - General discussion' started by 21Q, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. 21Q

    21Q Regular member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    I had a blackout and now my mac doesn't turn on. the power on my whole block went out. I think its on a surge protector. When I go to turn it on it turns on but no chime or load, the hd work on my g3 imac so that can't be it. I hit the pmu button a couple of times but nothing I checked the hd, ram, battery, and power cord but nothing. Please tell me whats wrong.
  2. tabletpc

    tabletpc Guest

    sounds like you cooked a power cell certain models of g3 towers and g4 towers have issues with the main power in order to fix it you have to replace the huge power supply inside the mac these models where known for this issue

    now for the bad

    have fun trying to find a power supply for a older mac

    most likely your computer is a doorstop
  3. trigga71

    trigga71 Regular member

    Sep 22, 2005
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    Im an Apple Service Provider. What model do you have exactly? Why did the power go out?Sounds like it could be a Powersupply or logic Board. Just name the model and ill be able to tell you more.
  4. tabletpc

    tabletpc Guest

    but if the logic board went out wouldn't the macs power light still come on just not boot or come on and turn off i have had several macs and when i lost my g3 it just quite working and the power light would still come on ???

    my computer:
    intel mac mini 1.66 ghz
    1 gigs ram
    dual external hard drives 250 gig's each
    external dvd +r dl 52x burn


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