I Recently Got iMesh and I love how they let you download full albums but, all the files are protected content and it won't let me burn them to a CD-R.(My First Question) Do anybody know away around the protected content barrier so i can burn them to a CD-R,and (My Second Question) if not do anybody know any other programs that will allow you to download full album and burn them to a CD-R.
to the 2nd question - you can download full albums with bittorrent (you'll need a bittorrent client like BitComet, and you have to search for the albums on bittorrent sites like mininova.org.) The way it works is you download a torrent file, which in turn downloads what you want from other people. Also, I found LimeWire to work better overall than iMesh, and you'll get nearly identical search results that you would with iMesh, because they both scan the Gnutella network.
iMesh is crap. I used it a few years ago and it gave me a virus. E-mule, Bit Torrent and Limewire are all better alternatives.
Yea, agreeing here. Limewire Pro is the best p2p client. (Download the pro version through limewire Or, alternatively, as ashroy says, bittorrent is a better option. At least for full albums. Here's the best p2p guide you'll find. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/229385