k i have a dvd+rw burner.....so that means i can copy onto dvd+r.....my question is....if i have a dvd-r can i still read it and then write it to a dvd+r???
Hi Persy, Welcome to our little cornerof the web - If your Burner is a DVD RW dual format which yours is, you can write to either a +R or a -R disc. Those discs are a single write media meaning you do it once, that's all. I suggest you purchase at least 1 DVD +RW or -RW, your choice - with these you can experiment and not lose a regular disc ) Here's everything you'll ever want to know about discs - http://dvddemystified.com/dvdfaq.html#4.3 Enjoy, Pete Sea Yaaaaaaaa ~
alright thanks guys......pete:that link didn't work?? Nephilim:it's a dvd+rw RW5240 dyntex or something like that...it's by the same company as LG
Persy, Pete's link worked for me. If you got an ad, you just have to click "skip" in the upper right corner and it will take you where it's suppose to. Also if your burner will read it(sucessfully), you shouldn't have a problem burning it.
If you only have this drive to work with then no, you can't because this drive does not read DVD-R media. Do you have another drive you can read with? BTW it's a Ricoh 5240A 4X DVD+RW drive. I did a Google search using "DVD 5240". I only read two search results so please verify my statement. The link Pete provided works, but like all the links here at AD, as near as I can tell, it hooks you up with a "Fastclick" page first. What I do is copy and paste the link provided into the address block. If you forget to do that and get the Fastclick page, just close it and then refresh the AD page. The link should then work normally. I can't do what flip does because my pop up stopper kills the entire page so I have no skip button to use. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]motorcycle racer computer newbie Sony VAIO Suzuki GSXR1000 [/small]