That one to be exact. Now, I know I should have researched more about it before I bought it but I have just one question. Everything works great as far as I can tell. It's easy to add and remove games. No problems as far as running any games in particular. the only issue I have is the save files. All roms save just fine and they usually are there, but every now and then, randomly it seems they vanish and it's like you started a new game. :[ obviously you can understand how that can be frustrating. Now, not all the saves delete. Just one game or so. And sometimes I've had saves come back randomly. Anyone with a little more knowledge of Fire Cards care to fill me in. and is there a fix?
saves files disappears and then comes back by itself! that is strange. all i can suggest is you updated the firmware if you havent done so. one other thing you may like to try, dont fill up all the available spaces on the card, allow maybe 10-15%(?) free space. try that see if that helps. good luck.
Thanks for the response. I don't have it completely filled up... at least I don't think I do. Where do I go about getting a firmware update for it? this thing came with absolutely nothing, no instructions, etc. I assumed since I just bought it that it had the most recent firmware. I've been messing around with the each individual rom saves. I didn't know I could change that until I searched around on these boards. Again, appreciate the help.
for firmware see this list i think its the ds fire link one for your firecard. do a search on this forum on how to updates the firmware, i think i written a post on it, in the past.
Another thing I would like to know about is this arm7 fix? I'm trying to get ninjatown and skateit to run. I do the DSlazy way of switching the .bin file, but when I load the game on my card and start it up it says "File write error" help! :[
OKay... So after messing around with DS Lazy and trying all different combos of things, I finally got ninja town to work... Problem is Skate It still doesn't work. :[ does anyone have a working copy of this game??
Well,I think I know the problem.It may NOT completely protect your saves,but I can tell you 1st hand that I have a DS fire card.An I have heard of these problems with the saves vanishing.But I never had it happen to me.What I do is make a new folder for every individual game.An then the save gets put in that folder for that ONE game.I have never had a save problem doing it this way. Hope I helped.
thanks for the help ^^ Do you put them in like this: ROMS > SuperMario64 > SuperMario64.nds & SuperMario64.sav or did I misunderstand??