I have a new unknown user account on my PC

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by joebarby, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. joebarby

    joebarby Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    This happenned to me once before and I just deleted the unknown user account... Now it's back again and I'm curious as to how this keeps happening.

    I like it set so that there are no usre accounts installed so when I boot-up I just go directly to Windows without needing to pause and/or log-in with a password. But twice now and without my consent, a new user has been added to my pc that causes a pause at boot-up asking who is logging on. There's myself of corse, the administrator with no required password, and now a new account named "ASP.NET MACHINE A...'s" (without the quotes).. Is this perhapes a virus, spyware or mallware or the like; or is it some Microsoft sub-routine or newly installed software maybe an update doing it's (hopefullu harmless) job? and if it is supposed to be there, What the heck is it; and what is it doing? I will delete it but first I want to be sure it will not disable some other useful or important software or system...

    any body here ever seen this before?

  2. bkf

    bkf Guest

  3. joebarby

    joebarby Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    I researched it on the MS website and discovered that it was tge Net Framework I had to download and install to get some file-sharing software (UseNeXT.com) to work.

    I'm afraid that if I delete the account, the software it's connected with will won;t work. I just hope it doesn't allow spying or hacking on my pc>
  4. joebarby

    joebarby Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    I researched it on the MS website and discovered that it was the "MS Net Framework" I had to download and install to get some file-sharing software (UseNeXT.com) to work.

    I'm afraid that if I delete the account, the software it's connected with will won;t work. I just hope it doesn't allow spying or hacking on my pc>
  5. magus7091

    magus7091 Regular member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm on a single user pc and when I installed .net it added that user account therefore making auto login not work, so I uninstalled it and all my applications still work. I'm not sure what exactly the user account is for but I know that deleting it hasn't made any .net apps to not work for me so I'd just say kill it.

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