ok so here is the problem i want to learn autocadd but the only classes that are offered in my area are in the evenings and i work at night and i watch my daughter all day so if i do learn it it will have to be on my computer at my house so my question is anyone know any good tutorials that might be helpful or maybe any other programs that are just like it but more user friendly and can help me build up to autocadd
its not funny. I dont know why you'd want to learn that program. but you could try searching on google.
There are some good programs by a company called "keystone learning"...DVDs, CDs, where they walk you through lesson after lesson on exact simulations of whatever you using. I thing they have them on VHS also. There are also some good on-line programs if you don't have dial-up but be careful...some are really good while others are fly by night operations...stick with the big names if you do the online.
well the reason i need it is because i have a B.S. in Electronic Engineering Technology and almost all jobs in this field reguires some sort of cad training
autocad is probably the most expensive cad program out there. do a survey of some of the companies you might be interested in to see what cad program they use as there are different cad programs in use. also see what cad they teach in the night courses. make certain your system specs meet or exceed the cad program requirements.
well lets just say a little fairy gave it to me but i have almost every version of autocad available for inventor to viz
ecknight, I run AutoCad. I use the Civil and Survey modules in it, mostly, but I have an older version. I run 2000i. What version do you have, and what are you trying to learn? It is a difficult program to learn, but maybe I can give you some tips to start out with. It really is better if you can somehow attend a class, or have a friend who knows the program that can help you get started.
i think i have 2005 plus electrical land deaktop and machanical and inventer but not for certain i would have to dig then out since i have never used them i would have to learn how to create electronic kinda drawlings of like project panels and stuff like that ok i just looked and i cant find 2005 but i did find all the others