ok it is a v 1.0. it hard drive was going bad made a clicking sound and sotped working so i was going to up grade it using xboxhdm ok (the hd had currupted part of the linux mod on it and it would only run the ms dash. so i used c and e off of my good 1.1 xbox, but used the 1.0's eeprom.) Ok all good i burned the cd put it in and i was going to make the drive but it would not work so i decided to clone the old drive so i unlocked it with the cd's eeprom (which means it is the right eeprom). it was unlocked and i started the clone process 2 hours later noting happended... so i was like well screw it I'll do something diff. well i locked the drive and now the xbox wont boot what should i do?
ok here we go i have 3 xboxes #1= hard modded #2 softmodded good hard drive #3 softmodded bad hard drive. i used the xboxhdm 1.9 to format a hd for #3 and used all #2's info but #3's eeprom but it would not work. so i cloned the existing hd form #3. but to do this u must unlock it. i did so... but it did not clone. so i locked it with #3's eeprom and it would not let da xbox start up... any ideas?
What I would do is take the modchip out of #1 and stick it in #3, then use a tool like AID 3.0 to install everything you want,then use slayers to lock it.