hello every1 i have down loaded some roms from nds-roms.com but cant extract them i am useing win rar but it comes up with a diagnostic msg. i am also usein a ndstt card ttmenu and the ttmenu dat files on the card is that all i need to play games on it thanks for any help
Winrar should be able to open anything that winzip can. What is the file extension of the ones you cant open? There are any number of compressed formats. Zip, rar, tar, z7...
I agree that WinRAR should work. In fact, I just used WinRAR 3.71 and it DOES work just fine on an NDS ROM .zip file. The site that TC referenced ONLY uses .zip format. It would have been nice if TC had included an error message in the original post.
when i use win zip on any of the files that i have downloaded it says cannot open file it dose not appear to be a valid archive if you downloaded this file, try downloading the file again but it says that on every 1 iv down loaded and when i down load them a 2nd time it says the same thing
Several things 1) PC or MAC if its PC fine if its Mac sorry don't have much info on those 2) Operating System windows XP has an unzippng file included (but NOT for RAR files for this you need winrar or another unzipping program 3) Right click on the file you have downloaded it should say ,type of file and below it - opens with (WHAT does it open with) if nothing is in this box then it won't be unzipped. Click the change button (if your using windows) and select the program to associate with the file (Pick winrar) try to unzip again
(WHAT does it open with) if nothing is in this box then it won't be unzipped. iv got winrar archiver and win zip in the recommended box to open it with but nether will let me open them thanks for your help
try alzip (google it) or maybe they're self extracting try just double clicking them and a wizard should pop up follow that.
You're probably using seriously out of date versions of winzip or winrar. Download allzip or 7zip. Those should be able to open any compressed format you can throw at them.