geestar20 why not I have had 2 other threads closed here and this is saposed to be the less moded thread 0-o *L*
just a few threads below this one is face123's "i'm now an addict love me or i'll have a seriously crushed ego" thread...why not just post there?
I was gonna say something, but the furry beat me to it... Seems my "How to be an ornery b@stard like the_Fiend in 10 easy steps" classes have been paying off
Gratz Zippy, you one of the few who actually deserve it! =D (I'm on 2809, so any day now....) Edit~Off topic, but can we have a "Congratulation Thread", for posts like this?, can't hurt can it..
considering that rank means less than it ever has, i think such threads should just be closed and everyone else go on with their daily lives.
rav009 *jokes on nawing/eating a couch* Auslander *naws on urrr pic* then why........... are you here....complaining?
But that's only because of post padders (mostly in the bloody console forums) who just chit-chat and hit Addict in around 6 month's, all I've ever seen in those forums is kids who chat about games nonsensically to accumulate a high post count. There are some however, who have been trying to help out in the forums and I believe their achievement deserves congratulation, maybe that's just me... What we could do is make a single thread for posts of this nature, to stop threads like this popping up perhaps...other than that, congrats again Zippy
zippy 1: because complaining is a vital part of making change in any system rav: that's like saying that because there's one good politician, all politicians should be honored, even when you know most are scum that sell out the first chance you get. my perspective, anyway. zippy 2: because this has been discussed time and time again. rank only matters to those that aren't regulars around here, as the regulars are the ones that build reputations as well as know the reputations of others. the ranks are set as they are as an attempt to make as many people happy as possible. but one must understand that in reality, rank means ****.
Brandon, if you where a woman, i'd kiss you. *cries an emo tear of pride, seeing how well his #1 student is truely doing* :-D Indeed, people taking pride in their rank need to start with realising how little it means, and that most members get their "real" status (either popularity or notoriety for the more literate folks here) from posting, helping out, debating, etc. *or in my case, my nasty wit, knowledge of overal facts and trivia (lots of them useless 50% of the time), and even nastier habit of posting my opinion on everything*
I kind of agree with you Aus, It hasn't been the same in years. I felt better being hand picked to Senior member than making Addict from post count. There are a select few new Addicts that deserve the promotion for their help here, but many are from post padding. I guess it can't be helped. Jerry