so today at 5th period me and some of people were talking and i was just saying how crap mac apple computer were crap, the kid got pissed and start going crazy i told him to calm down but he didn't listen. then he punched me in my face between my glassess. It hurted like crap. All because i talk crap about mac. I still say mac sucks.
You deserve to get thumped! What do you expect? That has put a smile on my face! You need to respect other peoples' opinions....Otherwise you will get thumped again! LOL!!
I do not agree with the rest of ye,on ye statements.. the guy who punched rihgt682 Was in the wrong.. He was in violation of the law. What ye guys are saying if I was on a soap box in a park talking about how much Microsoft is better then a Mac, that’s gives all of ye a right to punch me in the face. No one has a god given right to touch punch or kick his a@@, for any one voicing his option.. if that was so i would have been dead long time ago.
Happend just like that ehh, not gonna call you a liar cause I wasnt there BUT, you must have pushed his buttons to get a punch in the face. MAC SUCKS! Bring it on Macies! lol Somethin for fun. This is just funny as hell... haha fun.
Well, if you are going to wind someone up, then you must expect consequences. I would never advocate violence, but we have only heard one side of the story.....they are school kids after all! That is the way it is in school, you push someones' buttons & they will react. If someone got up & said how much better PCs were to Macs I would just laugh in their face, but that is me!
he have to stay at home for 3days. I don't get how he got angry because i didn't like mac. Mac do CRASH!!! There is no such thing as perfect OS.
All said & done, he should not have hit you, ireland was correct, he had no right to thump you & he deserves to be sent home. Please excuse my bravado in my earlier posts.
The guy got off easy. Where I am (Canada) there is ZERO tolerance for violence. A guy threw my hat into the garbage, I told him to get it out, he didn't, so I got it and slaped him accross the face with the beak hard. He damn near cried. I was expelled for this. I was never in any violence trouble at school prior to this.
You got punched for slagging off Mac?!? Hey!! The other boy's name wasn't Mac was it? LOOOOOOOL!!! I would love to have some nerd to TRY and slap me over a computer platform dispute... He would probably hit me a few times... Before i stoped laughing... rihgt682, next time that happens... You react fast and punch him back 3 times in the face, (right, left, right) his nose exploding in a ball of blood, by then he'll be trying to block any incoming strikes by waving his arms around. At that point you kick him hard in the stomach (frontal kick, yeah?). Use the momentum and charge into him with another 3 punch combo. That should knock him down. At that point look around and grin towards the girls and you notice the most gorgeous and popular of them all blinking her eye in a flirty way, just before you lift him up and elbow him straight in the face, making his jaw crack really loud! Then you wake up and realize that it was all a dream... The reality is that if you try to fight back he'll have you in no time. Like we say in britain: Take the pain, keep the swelling...
Hi Rav! Been married! Got back home, so i'm lurking a lot and posting a bit, been here this week, might disapear next, you know... LOL
Married aggain?,Congrats!!,last time I checked you where divorced, your quick aint you lol Take care and best of luck with the marriage! Staying on topic, Anyone know why rihgt682 was suspended??
Again? Who said again? Just got back together with my Mrs, that's all... lol Rav, this is safety valve, you don't need to stay on topic... I wonder where he slagged off Mac... If he done it down the "Mac - General Discussion" Forum, then he's asked for trouble... lool
wtf ur all suck so does macs the dude who punched u is jelous cause pc is better i say macs suck sh*t pulsar u gonna punch me now??