I installed a game then wen I started to start it, missing .DLL files pops out...i looked for it in google and saved it to the same folder...now this is wat pop up..."The procedure point _AIL_set_sample_volume@8 could not be located in the dynamic link libary mss32.dll."...i asked my brother to send me his mss32.dll files coz he can play in his computer...he send it to me but now its not an error dat pops up..this one pops up "Please go to your control panel to install and configure system components" then i tried closing it or clicking "OK" but it will pop up and pop up... plsss help!!! i real appreciate anyone who can answer me and help me fix this...
i download this game from the internet...at filefront.com to be exact...please help i am getting pissed off by this
Ok dude first of all if you insist on downlading illeagal games this kinda stuff will always happen! Why not get a game from a store and pretty much guaranteed 99% of all problems should be fixed!!!
I just wanted to ask how could you guys tell he downloaded it illegally? I went to that site just to satisfy my own curiosity and they have game demos and such... now granted I didn't try to download anything but I did go for a look-see. Maybe file front is a known site for you guys but I'm just trying to learn as I go. Sorry but I had to ask.