I need a free antierasing program. PLEEEEASE!!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by johnnyemh, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. johnnyemh

    johnnyemh Member

    Mar 27, 2006
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    Hi guys:
    I had bad luck, and while I was erasing a few files, I used the "Shift key" + "left click" mouse to choose the files that I wanted to erase. The case is that without realizing, Windows made the mistake (???) and "highlighted" many more files that the ones that I wanted to erase. So I ended up erasing several gigabites of files that I really need. Does anybody know of a free antierasing program that I could use? My OS is W-XP-Pro, but the antierasing program attached to the recycling didn't help. [after the erasing, I didn't touch any more any of the files of the HD in which the files were erased in the hopes that I can "unerase" them].
    I'll really would be very thankful for any ideas or info in relation to this problem.
    :( :( :(
  2. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Edited by Ripper.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2007
  3. ffg7

    ffg7 Regular member

    Apr 20, 2007
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  4. johnnyemh

    johnnyemh Member

    Mar 27, 2006
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    Thanks ffg7 for the help!!:>)

    Now, my dear Ripper:
    Do not make suppositions that make you appear "smart" at first glance, but instead shows only silliness from your part once you see or understand the whole picture of the situation. As probably you well know: (a)Shift+Click, selects or highlights the 1st and the last files in which you clicked PLUS ALL THE FILES IN BETWEEN, in other words, selects files in block or files that are contiguous(you click only 2 of them obviously, the ones in the extremes of the block... and I am explicit about this so you couldn't "misread me" as you already did). Now, (b) Ctrl+Click allows you to choose or highlight the files in any position in your set of files.
    In my case, I had almost a hundred files in this particular collection, all of them organized in alphabetic order. Due to the size of the collection, all the files could not be seen in a single screen/window. So when I decided that I wanted to erase the files M051 to M055, ALL THE FILES BEFORE THEM COULD NOT BE SEEN in that particular window in which I was working (in order to be able to see them you had to use the slider). My bad luck was that the file M051 was at the top-left part of the window (if the 1st in that window would have been M049 for instance, I would have notice that more files that those intended were highlighted), so when I pressed “Shift” + made a click in M051, and then in M055, could not see that ALL THE FILES FROM A001 to M050 HAD BEEN HIGHLIGHTED, and you well know that this never should happen. That is why I assure that that was an error of Ws itself. Obviously when I hit “delete” … all of them were deleted (from A001 to M055).
    When you say: “I'm afraid this is a classic case of...” I would agree with you that it is “a classic case of …” Only that the “it” is yours!!… since even the most inexperienced person would have realized that MORE ITEM THAN THOSE INTENDED WERE HIGHLIGHTED (and therefore, prone to be erased), as in the case that you supposed it happened.
    You are not the only person that made that same wrong supposition as yours, since I posted similar notes in other forums (but I didn’t feel the necessity to answer any of them, because none of them had any aggressiveness imbedded in it); but yours is the first one in which shows such an aggressiveness. That is the reason why I am taking all this time to explain this, … because I do not think aggressiveness should be condoned. Maybe this will teach you next time to be a constructive critic and not an insulting one.
    Good luck to you.
  5. johnnyemh

    johnnyemh Member

    Mar 27, 2006
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    mistake: Repetition
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2007
  6. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    johnnyemh just do a system restore to the day before you did your boo boo and you should be able to find your files, works for me
  7. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    I read over that quickly, and yes, i was slightly brash and jumped the gun, so to speak.


  8. johnnyemh

    johnnyemh Member

    Mar 27, 2006
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    Thanks rdmercer1 for the info, I'll try that one, ... I hope it works.

    Now, my dear Ripper:

    That’s a gentleman!! Appologies accepted:>)

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