Ok i use IE6 and i use to use the google toolbar but they updated it and its very crappy so i found the old google install but after a week the thing updated it self! is there anyway i can get a modded version of the old tool bar that wont update?
moved to correct forum as this is not about hardware but software. don't do that again as i'll give you a temp ban next time!!!
sorry thats the onyl PC section i see i didnt notice you moved my last thread. I see the windows software section now sorry.
Lesson #1,when on Dial-up or similar, learn to have LOTS of patience on forums ;-) To answer your question, there are ways to do this, but it does require some knowledge of how to work with either the language the toolbar is written in *probably a C based language*, or using Reshacker or a similar program to edit it out before installing it, and either deleting or replacing the url it uses to update, or simply breaking the update code itself. This may, however, disable the toolbar, as most softwares have at least a minor integrity check.
Well, forums not loading quickly, and you not seeing the software forum because of that seemed like a possibility. It was only a joke. Anyway, i found a hack to stop the auto update on a maxthon forum : http://forum.maxthon.com/index.php?showtopic=6685&st=0