InDeutsch You can going to this link and try this one out:
I used to use Cakewalk Pro Audio 9. It takes a while to learn and costs a little more than I would of liked to spend. If your doing professional recording/mixing I would recomend dropping the bucks for it. If you just want to make some beats and such I HIGHLY recomend Cakewalk Plasma 2003. I got it at Comp USA for like $20.00. It has all sorts of neat little things. You can choose 8tracks, 4tracks, Midi, even 16 channel multitrack. Not to mention all the plug-ins that come with it, effects out the wha-zoo. Only thing is you have to d/l a different encoder if ya want to save to mp3. The one that come with it is a "trial version". But if you can post on here I'm sure you can google for one. I use the LAME mp3, it's free. Anyways, check out cakewalk-dot-com and review it if ya don't wanna chance wasting your money. I use it all the time now, it's probably the best as far as UI. Simple drag and drop, and yes it does .wav, .mp3, .wma, .au/snd, .wmv.