ok i was using a program called DVD Rebuilder PRO v1.26.3 and i was also usaing a special incoder that is neeeded to use this program Cinema Craft Encoder SP v2.70.02.12. but now Cinema Craft Encoder SP v2.70.02.12 dosen't work for vista.So know i am asking you peaple the question every one askes what is the best programs i should use to make identical copies of dvds. And when i mean programs i mean it becuse i know it takes more then one program 2 make good copies. so if u can can u tell me what programs 2 use and plz just tell me wqhat order 2 use them in. Ill try figuring out how 2 use them on my own. Example: a program that decriptes it. than maybe dvd shrink then dvdclone2. (programs i have tryed FixVTS, dvd shrink, clonedvd2, RipIt4Me, DVD Rebuilderpro, Cinema Craft Encoder SP, DVD Decrypter and i think thats about it and some very exepecive programs paid copys) PS. on another note i was also told 2 try this program FixDVD! 2.0 here is a link 2 the site http://shop.digitalriver.com/dr/sat...666760&CUR=124&DSP=&PGRP=0&ABCODE=&CACHE_ID=0
o thx but shit its not compadible with 64bit vista. (pluse dose it decript sony protection?) any other suggestions?
blair99, Ok, I apologize; I overlooked your post. Unfortunately, I don't have Vista. Have you given it a try though? Try this freeware here http://www.dvdfab.com/free.htm. This S/W removes all protections including sony's. Good luck! Hopefully, someone else out there can offer help...
o yeas i have tred that program once befor ill try it again. But i think i need more than that one program becuse i heard when burnig its all in the compresstion and encoding(also first u got 2 decript it) but ok ill try it
Try this great site it might answer your Questiuns. http://www.dvdplusvideo.com http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/dvdguide003.html
Not to ruin your day brother, but XP is an excellent program, and I would try to go back to it. VISTA is just the rich getting richer by convincing us we need something we really do not. Your added costs are not going to stop with this DVD thing. Good Luck
Well i don't care there has only bin 2 programs that haven't worked for me so far and i found allteritive programs. (the only thing that might not work with vista is that new areo and i dont need that but it onl happens with 2-4 programs there was more but they got updated.) also i have found some great advice in a different part of the forum i now use DVDFab Platinum n ewest version then i use dvd rebuilder and instead of using the ccsp encoder i use ProCoder 3 becuse it plugs into dvd rebuilder then i can use so many programs that i got on my comp 2 burn the end result to a dvd it works flawlessly. the only thing i need 2 know is about this one program FixDVD! 2.0 has anyone heard of it? is it good? can i see a screen shot of the program plz? here is the site http://shop.digitalriver.com/dr/sat...666760&CUR=124&DSP=&PGRP=0&ABCODE=&CACHE_ID=0
because i got recomended to use also a program called Fix dvd. thats it and this is theonly program that i can find with that name. also there isen;t alot of information about it like on forums and struff so i dont know if i want 2 buy it.(money is no object)
peteark - that link in your signature has to go as it's blatant advertising. (in case you ask the links in Berryone's signature aren't, they're guides written by Afterdawn members and a legitimate link to the awesome and free DVDFab HD Decrypter) blair99 - again, watch the language, and again, your spelling mistakes are worse than the other thread, made worse by lazy text speak. You need to stop rushing the posts and make sure they're legible if you want to keep posting here, it'll make people not want to help you
@blair99 Maybe you're thinking about FixVts. Offhand I don't know where you can download it, But FixVTS v1.603 (Last Known Update) is a tool that allows you to adjust your DVD files into better DVD compliance, so they can be opened in DVDShrink or VobBlanker. I don't see much Day to Day use for FIXDVD 2. It might be useful if you didn't finalize a camcorder disc, it sounds like it could retrieve the info. After all is said and done it's your choice, you can read the sites claim just as well as anyone on the forum.