I need Evolution X dashboard version 1.8.3285 or higher

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Demonix90, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. Demonix90

    Demonix90 Guest

    Hello AfterDawn forums! After thoroughly revising your Xbox section, I have concluded that any problems I may encounter can be resolved here. From what I read, I like your community, and hope I will be able to contribute just as adequately.

    For starters, my 7 year old original Xbox finally died, Xbox 360 sucks compared to PS3 (no offence), but the ORIGINAL Xbox has become very promising since my 12th birthday. Having learned of the mods and emulators you can put on them, I picked up a used one for 30$. Long story short, I've decided to go with some hefty hardware mods. Solderless chips now exist, which compliments my poor dexerity, and I have saved up some money and bought the following:

    -Xecuter LCD Screen Front replacement panel (crystal)
    -Xecuter X3 CE ModChip (with v.106 solderless adapter)
    -Crystal Xbox Case (with clear dvd top to see disc spin :])

    Everything was roughly 150$, the order was placed less then 1 hour ago, and everything should be here by Tuesday. I'll buy a new HD later on, not needed yet. What I do need, are some pointers. I am not stupid, so I will ask as indirectly as I can. I need something to clean my car dashboard, since I cannot drive my new car without first cleaning the dashboard. I drive an Evo. If anyone can PM me and help me find something to clean my evo's dashboard, that would be great.

    I am NEVER planning on using Xbox live, I am not paying Microsoft another cent (9 friends in neighborhood got red rings on their 360's).
    So on that note, my Xbox can be loaded with as many ROMs and anti-LIVE friendly programs/mods. So if anyone has some good pointers, it's appreciated. Don't tell me to Google either, I am asking for what I think is a proffessional opinion. A statement like "google it" is pretty much "go F*** yourself", and you would be ruining the respect I have for this forum. And for those who do help me, PM's are fine, we don't need Microsoft finding us on Google lol.
  2. Pokaslop

    Pokaslop Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    I am unable to help you in your situation, but I was curious. How does the solder-less adapter work? How can it be connected without soldering? I apologize for not being able to help you.
  3. Demonix90

    Demonix90 Guest

    I need evolution x dashboard version 1.8.3285 or higher. If someone can PM me and share it or give me a torrent, that would be great. Maybe I was too indirect for asking.

    As far as the solderless chips go, well this is going to be my first Xbox mod. The Xecuter modchip isn't any different, but it has a port for an adapter which has multiple pins that you simply line up with the motherboard. I'm sure it isn't that simple, I'll take pictures when the parts get here next week.
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Hi and welcome to our humble abode, though thread title renamed from "Cleaning My Car", a title that along with the following quote had me puzzled for a few seconds, realised i was being slow as you were disguising your request within a car analogy ~
    Somehow i don't think you need to be quite so cunning in disguising your request, the original xboxes, while still excellent, are from Victorian times, not sure Microsoft will be breaking out the battering ram if they read that someone's after a non-standard Dashboard in 2009.

    Plus the forums are here for a reason, there's an excerpt about PM's in the Forum Rules, basically if the question can be asked on the forums, it should be.

    I personally only use Evox on two of my xboxes, they're the chipped boxes, i didn't mod them, i bought them already modded. Whilst i have reflashed the bios on one of them (and can happily edit the Evox menus via the Evox.ini file) i don't know a great deal about modchips and i find them overcomplicated so just use softmod methods to update the consoles ie i treat chipped consoles as if they're standard consoles that need softmodding. All my other xboxes have been softmodded numerous times so i can do that blindfold, hence i even just softmod my chipped boxes. I prefer the UnleashX skin so that's another reason i don't know much about Evox.

    Anyways, Evox can be obtained via AID (Auto Installer Deluxe), (see the xbox link in my signature, including pages 2 and 5 where i've added my own info and experiences though virtually all my posts on xboxes are concerning softmodding so might not be overly relevant for you), there may be an easier ie less megabytes to download method than AID, that's the only way i know of to obtain it.
  5. Demonix90

    Demonix90 Guest

    Lol thanks creaky, I'm the one who is slow. Anyways the solserless adapter didn't work with my, I quote, "c varient motherboard for xbox 1.6b". So, I cant use the adapter to install my modchip, and i wont solder it and waste my time/money. So I now have an extra unused modchip and xecuter lc front panel. I saw one of my posts was deleted, so if anyone wants to buy some of car parts, PM me. Don't be slow now =P
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    You can advertise the bits here if you like ~ http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/226

    As to solderless adapters, some months ago i had a video MSN conversation (from the UK to the US, isn't modern technology fun eh, LOL) with one of our other moderators, Locoeng, he was trying to fit a solderless adapter, let's just say we don't mention that adapter much anymore :eek:
    Soldering across the other side of the world isn't the easiest thing.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009
  7. Demonix90

    Demonix90 Guest

    I broke 1 on the golden springs off, then through it on the floor, and smashed it with the hammer my dog stole and decided to chew on. (The adapter, not my dog!) I was pissed off, and to top it off, I called GoCyberShopping.com, and asked why the hell it wouldn't work. I was obviously sucking up and being very polite, but I might as well have cursed them out. I was put on hold and forgotten about(hung up after 45mins, had cell sitting on table w/ speaker). I don't suggest anyone use the Xapt3r 1.6 adapter, creaky is right solering is probably easier. If you have the heated gun, that is.
  8. varnull

    varnull Guest

    on a 1.6 the only awkward thing is the couple of points which aren't linked to the pinheader.. you can work out where they are with that little bit of circuit board which comes with the chip and pinheader..tho I never used the nasty little bit of board.. my soldering skills (with a needle tip 12 watt iron) are awesome. I just treat like a ps2 chip job for that bit.. and believe.. after 30 years soldering I can stick human hair to a fleas leg XD

    The real best bet if you come across a 1.6 is sell it and get yourself a 1.1 or a 1.3 .. and hopefully you will get a samsung 605b everlasting dvd drive :) Then chip it up.. shove a 350 gig hdd in it and forget about it.. it will last years and years with no attention and no messing. My pair have been on the same dash and drives for 5 years now.. never opened them since chipping, and none of the softmod nonsense of a game updating and killing the mod either. Softmods are fine in theory.. in practice I find them unstable and risky.. especially with any dash which has a file manager with delete capabilities.......... enough said
  9. Demonix90

    Demonix90 Guest

    Oh yeah, this forum has tons of posts about people who deleted files through the softmod dash, then end up with major problems. Wheres the common sense?
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I personally swear by softmods, the 2 chipped consoles i have always play up so they're shelved most of the time, every time i think i've got one of them working again they start playing silly beggars. I can never be doing with them, for me it's softmod all the way. I have loads of spare consoles so it's easier to just shelve one that doesn't work and move onto another one, I have 3 in regular use at the moment.
    The first thing i always do with a new console after softmodding is to FTP in and grab the eeprom file, even if i'm not changing the hard drive. The softmod method i use (Auto Installer Deluxe, and 'SID4 Knave' exploit files) prompts you to backup the eeprom as part of the process so you have to backup the eeprom, but many people obviously don't save the file away from the console afterwards. Fatal mistake.
    Once i've softmodded a console the lazy way mentioned above, i just update XBMC once in a while from the T3CH website, all that requires is to FTP into the console (which for me means leaving the console running under UnleashX), renaming the XBMC folder out of the way, FTP'ing the new T3CH folder in, then using Filemanager on the console i just copy over the Userdata folder from the old renamed XBMC folder to the new folder, thus restoring all my settings and cover art etc etc. I honestly don't know why so many people out there find xboxes so complicated :p - and quite why so many people delete things they shouldn't is a mystery. I'm always mooching thru the xbox folders, but if i don't know what something is i leave well alone. Maybe that's just too sensible :p
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2009

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