I want to purchase a new tv this weekend and confused with all the options. I know i want a 42 inch . We're not sure whether plasma is better than lcd and then all the tlak about 1080p,and the 120 mz thing. Please help me narrow my choices. I want to make sure i get something thats gonna be good and last for a long time. We are watching on an angle ,we're on both sides of where the tv will be,so i was thinking of a plasma,but hubby says lcd is better,but thats what they are telling him at the store.I want to know all the specs before i go to the store. I really don't want the salesman to sell me a tv i want to buy a tv. So help me Buy a TV please!! We would like the price to be as low as possible and staying under $2400. Thanks for any help you can provide.
I might be late but start here http://www.globalcomputer.com 47" Olevia excellent TVs, if U got the room. In this case bigger is better http://www.globalcomputer.com/applications/category/category_slc.asp?MfrId=2019&CatId=37
Tooo late..........but thanks for respondng! I got the samsung with a touch of color..........love it so far!!!