Right, so I'm looking to buy a new Dvd Player/Recorder; It's time for an upgrade. Basically, I know squat about what models are any good (I have an idea of makes, obvioulsy) and whether they are worth the money you pay for them. I'd like help in choosing/finding one. I'm in the UK too, Btw. Here is what I consider a MUST: - DivX/Xvid Playback - Plays all formats (Ie, all types of disk; SL and Dl etc) - Has *at least* an 80GB HardDrive - A good brand - Is reasonably priced - Not too far over £150. Here is what I consider optional, providing the above are included: - Dvd Recording (Ie, to DVDs themselves) - Multi Region If there is anything I have missed which is important then do point it out to me, please. If you could provide me with links to stores in the UK which sell it, that'd be great, thanks. (Preferably well known stores, eg, Amazon etc). I am looking @ this at present... http://www.pricerunner.co.uk/sound-and-vision/vision/dvd-players/653620/prices# http://www.pricerunner.co.uk/sound-and-vision/vision/dvd-players/581341/prices That is the top price, about £180, so preferably lower, please. Any help in this would be very appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Pretty much because I don't want to pay about £1000 for a Blu Ray player or £25 per blu ray disk... Also, I want a DVD player. That isn't of any help to me, sorry. Oh and Btw, I see your suspension is up... lol
Personally I will take HD-DVD over BluRay any day and would not invest a niclel in any thing Sony is involved with.
Yeah, that's great, but don't turn my thread into a HD-DVD vs Blu Ray thread, cos if you do, I'll eat you alive. So run along now...
If you ask for opinions, perhaps you should be willing to accept them. I have seen both on High end sets and would put HD-DVD over the BluRay hands down. Just passing on the opinions you asked for in an effort to help in your decision ...so start chompin!
Are you deaf, blind and ignorant? I asked for opinions on Dvd players, not HD DVD or Blu Ray. There is a whole forum where you can go nuts about HD whateverthef*ck. I have also seen both on high end sets, but I still dont want either of them. Thanks for your really valued opinion.
This dont have much of the features, but... I used to have imported movies from china and was looking for a region free player too... I got a dvd player that didnt read it. Then i tried it on my friends cheap memorex player and it plays PAL format and also has region hacks. You might want to check it out. It looks like this http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0009ELH9A.16._SCLZZZZZZZ_SS260_.jpg Region hack http://forum.ecoustics.com/bbs/messages/2/124110.html The Memorex MVD2042 dvd player. I bought a MVD2022 dvd player and it skips in vcd disk and werent that good. Memorex i dont think are a really good brand either There were around 40$ in stores mostly 20$ cause on sale.
Thanks you for your input, but I'm looking for one with all those features. Region free isn't such a big thing. Thanks anyway.
Ok well I bought one of these in the end, so dont worry. http://www.comet.co.uk/cometbrowse/product.do?sku=346110
First of all, unless you need a single unit, my advice is to look for a separate player and recorder. It's hard enough to find an even adequate recorder, let alone finding one that can do all that you ask. Plus, having a separate recorder reduces the wear-and-tear on the unit. Philips makes great players IMO. My DVP-642 will player just about anything short of my old LPs. The newer Philips are even better. I can't say as much about recorders besides recommending that you go over to videohelp.com and look at the "DVD Recorder" section along the left side. BTW, elasu3 is just trying to generate sales for his website in his sig line and which he's been spamming all over aD. Don't bother with either format.
Thanks for your reply. I am picking up my new Phillips from the store today. As for seperate recorders, the HDD is the main feature I will use, but recording is nice to have. I'll get back to you about what this one's like.