the first thing I like to mention is that please 'Do not tell me that if u convert anything u loose quality, I've heard this a million times', the reason Its NOT true is I have several copies of avi movies with the same movies as a DVD copy. I have had many people telling me "they can NOT tell the difference , between the avi one & the dvd one. So there , lossles quality. Now the problem I am having is , that I am trying to do a conversion myself, but always notice extra noise being added after the conversion is complete. These are the methods I tried.- * setting avi divx compressor to full quality with no compression when converting other formats into avi- result- extra noise. * converting any format back into DVD, VOB, result- extra noise ? what other settings can I try to create losless conversions ? I am happy if I could turn any format into DVD, VOB without receiving extra noise. Please do Not ask me ,what do I mean by noise. If u dont know what noise is look it up on google.
Have you tried DrDivx ? It usually makes pretty good choices re: choosing a good bitrate for you chosen resolution.
Thank you to both of you, I will try both products ,plus some other ones and post the results here in a few days. cheers