Just bought Panasonic Combo TV/VCR/DVD player/burner model # PV-DR2714 to transfer all my old VHS movies that I purchased onto DVD's. The unit says can't copy the tapes since they are copyright protected. The equipment has no output jacks, only input jacks. I took my stand-alone VCR and played the tape onto my Tivo. I then thought that since I was able to successfully record the tape onto my Tivo, that I would then be able to feed it in from the Tivo into the Panasonic to burn my DVD. Still wouldn't allow me to do it. The same message on the Panasonic tells me that I can't copy the movie onto my DVD burner as its copyright protected. Is there any way to deactivate or to remove this block? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i know of 3 options. you can either hook an older vcr to your panasonic and record from the panasonic to a blank on the older vcr (i say older because alot of older models don't include copywrite protection) then send the feed back to your dvd recorder. this will result in major quality loss. option 2 is to hack your tivo which can be done by following numerous guides on the net. option 3 is to use a comp with an audio/video in card and transfer your vhs to your HD before burning to dvd. there are probably ways to hack the panasonic also, but i couldn't tell you how.
Thanks for your suggestions. Option 1 can't be done since the Panasonic doesn't have any output jacks. It only has input jacks. Therefore I can't record from the Panasonic to an "older" VCR. I don't think Option 2 would work either as the problem isn't with the Tivo unit. It allows me to record the VHS tape onto it's drive from my "older" stand-alone VCR. Thus, the Tivo's not the problem. I then tried to get the copy from the Tivo onto the Panasonic DVD but the Panasonic unit wouldn't allow this either. Of course I know I can make copies using my computer but wanted to figure out a way to do it using my Panasonic. Either I need to figure out how to hack the unit to eliminate the built in protection (which would be my 1st preference) or find out what I need to buy to eliminate the encoded protection and add it between my "older" VCR or Tivo unit and then feed that "clean" signal into my Panasonic (although this approach still requires me to have to use another VCR other than the one built into the Panasonic. Perhaps there's a way to add output jacks to the unit and play the tape directly from the Panasonic to my Tivo or computer without having to use the stand-alone VCR. I don't know? If anyone could tell me how to hack the unit to remove or turn off it's protection that would really be great or direct me to some book. Thanks for your ideas.