I need help finding a cheap plane ticket...

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by AFreak, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. AFreak

    AFreak Regular member

    Dec 16, 2005
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    well, my parents said i could go to Japan, South Korea, and Honk Kong this summer if i paid for the plane ticket, so i am trying to find the cheapest plane ticket i can to S.Korea(first stop to pick up my bro in the Army) he is getting some leave time, so he wanted me to go over there and have some fun, which sounds nice to me...

    anywho, out of Atlanta Georgia the cheapest i have run across is 1500 dollars, now i have that much, but im a cheapskate so id like to find around 1K or less ticket, and i do not care how many stops it has to make before i get to korea, jus that it starts in Atlanta, Georgia and ends up in Seoul, Korea(also it needs to be round trip ;)) well, thanks a lot everyone...

    I should also tell you when i want to leave, i want to leave May 5th-7th...and id like to get back to the USA around the 22nd-23rd..
  2. JasonSeo

    JasonSeo Member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    hmmm it'll b hard to find one but my friend found one for 75$ per. person.Lol srry.It started Or had an U. >.<

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