I need help on my new hard drive

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by BllyBilly, May 10, 2006.

  1. BllyBilly

    BllyBilly Guest

    Hey all

    I just got a new maxtor 300gb hard drive and I format the drive ..Now when I set the hard rive on master and boot it up my pc I get a error loading os. Does anybody know what should I do? I'm trying to install a new hard drive by cd by the way.
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    softmod or modchip?
    how did you format hdd?
    do you have autoinstaller disk?
  3. BllyBilly

    BllyBilly Guest

    My old xbox hard drive was softmod. I'm trying to do teh same for the new one. The new maxtor hard drive was format on the pc with the maxtor program that came with it ..Now the problem is when i boot up the pc it say error loading os..So i can't install by disk.
  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Well, you cant PC to format hdd for xbox.

    To upgrade hdd in softmod xbox, do follows:

    - download and ftp Config Magic into xbox. Run config magic to backup eeprom. DO NOT UNLOCK THE HDD.

    - ftp the whole E and C drive on xbox to E and C folder on PC. DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO WORKING HDD. IT IS YOUR BACKUP HDD.

    - read xboxhdm tutor 3-4 times. Make the boot CD. Then follow the tut to format the new hdd.


    I let me know when you are done.
  5. BllyBilly

    BllyBilly Guest


    Thanks for the help man.

    One luv
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2006
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  7. BllyBilly

    BllyBilly Guest

    I need help again. I'm trying to unlock the maxtor 300gb cause I don't use it in my xbox anymore...I got a new 400gb hard drive and I think this will be better. I try the flop disk boot trick but it don't work. You have any idea how to unlock it?

    Oh yeah the hard drive don't work on my xbox anymore .. So i can't fix it by autointsaller. And when i try to fix it by booting up the disk . The pc can't detect it, When i try to format it back to a pc hard drive using the maxtor program it can detect it but can't format it....Any help would be cool.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2006
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    1/ how did you lock the 300GB hdd?

    2/ Did you follow my instruction? did you backup eeprom and ftp E, C drive to PC? Did you create a boot disk for xboxhdm and format the hdd? DO NOT LOCK THE HDD, JUST FORMAT IT.

    Then I will help you so PC can read that hdd.
  9. BllyBilly

    BllyBilly Guest

    Something crazy happen (No lie) I ask god to help me and bam 3 hour later I fix it with my own style. I'm telling you buddy life is so crazy and I love it. Anyway I got my 400gb poping and at the same time my 300gb as a back up. My friend you been the best help i got in the past 3 days. You rule and yes I will come back if I need help. Keep up the good work friend.

    One luv
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2006
  10. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  11. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

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