A friend of mine wants to borrow a couple of my movies but i was thinking of making a back up of a movie but in the middle of it put in a chapter of porn....id love to see the look on his parents faces lol....anyways i just need some help with being able to do that with the chapters and what not...
Rethink the joke. The parents might consider the joke in bad taste, if not offensive. It could backfire on you. I'm not being prudish, if old enough, you should have the right to view whatever you wish as long as it isn't against the law. However, you have no right to invade others homes with the material. _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel - [bold]Et tu, Brute![/bold][/small]
I would recomend the same as brobear not a wise move.However if you do wish to do this you will have to get hold of some dvd authoring software. Ps brobear nice bear John179
Yes, sorta like the bear. I chose it because there wasn't anyone using an animated bear gif when I started using it. Also, I could have used a larger one of the same with more movement. I could have even used this one. But, I decided to use the smaller one with less movement. I pulled a prank on a friend once and used a jpg that used a page. I edited it to keep from annoying the other members.
dont worry his parents are funny people they owuld expect something of that from me lol...and as for my friend he is old enough to view movies like that lolz.... so anyways would either of you guys be able to recomend any programs i should use to do this?
You can use DVD Shrink. Just open the disc, let it analyze then select Re-author. Use the start/end chapter select feature to isolate the first half of the chapters of movie one. Select OK. This section now appears in the compilation window. Set your hard drive as the target and back up the files there. (It is always a good idea to make the new folders before you start but it is not necessary). Do the same thing with the second half of the chapters. Now you should have the first movie split in two in two folders on your HDD. Take the second disc and open it the same way. Use the sliders and chapter select menus to isolate the clip you want. Select OK and the clip appears in the compilation window. Open the file browser and get the folders from the first movie and add them to your compilation. You can drag them around so things are in the correct order. Burn the compilation and you are now ready to impress the hell out of your friends and their parents. Maybe you can find something besides porn to splice in. Anyone can do that. Remember, there is a fine line between funny and stupid. The things we create in life are our signatures.