I need help with a school project, hope someone can help.

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by momof_2, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. momof_2

    momof_2 Member

    Dec 18, 2007
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    So here's the deal, I'm going to school for my BS in computer science, our project that's due in 2 weeks is on buying a PC. We have to go to various sites and pic a PC we like. Some examples are gateway, dell, apple, IBM, compaq, you get the point. Well I did that and I found one I liked, tweaked it a bit for what I'll need it for and well we're talking like 2700.00 I want to prove a point to my teacher that you can build one yourself for cheaper, I did this with our current PC, we only spent like 500.00 for everything we needed. I need to know what websites I can go to for what I need to build the same PC or better for less. So I'm asking for suggestions from you guys for websites. I hope someone can help me out. I just started school like 3 weeks ago and have no Idea what websites to go to for this stuff. The PC will be used for audio, video and pictures for now, but I need a lot of space and it has to be fast. I also need a router, a portable USB preferable at least 2GB, and removable storage too, I also want a wireless keyboard and mouse, and a 22" flatscreen monitor. I need windows XP pro SP2 at the least but wouldn't mind Vista. I also need Office 2007/student too. I'm not afraid to build my own PC I've done it before so take a look and give me some suggestions please. Thanks in advance for your help guys.
  2. Indochine

    Indochine Regular member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    I have been here before, both as a student, and later as a teacher. What I am about to say I do not mean as a put down.

    Just do the assignment. Do it as well as you can, get a good grade, move on to the next one. The assignment is buying a PC. Not building a PC. You say you have just started at school. You need to learn to do the assignment you are given and not the one you wish you were given.

    Believe me, every class has at least one wiseass who knows better than the teacher and who needs to "prove a point" to him or her. I was that guy myself once. Now I have to try to teach them.

    Your program of assignments has been designed, you hope, by educational experts who have many years experience in planning courses. You have, you say, 3 weeks experience of being a computer science student.

    Anyway, the assignment is most likely not about building or even buying computers, but so the teacher can see how good you are at understanding and working to an assignment specification and gathering information and presenting it. Key skills in computer science! Don't start off on the wrong foot.

    Having said that, there is nothing to stop you doing a little side project of your own. You could try Newegg and Tiger Direct. But do your assigned project first and foremost!

  3. momof_2

    momof_2 Member

    Dec 18, 2007
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    I already did the assignment, wrote the paper and everything, I was super curious to see how much the companies charge to actually build it for you. That's all. BTW, you must not have been that bad of a wiseass if you're a teacher now!! LOL So maybe I'm on the right track after all. I always just do the assignments. This was just, like you said a side project, it's not going into my paper or anything, just something for me to be able to discuss in our class discussion board with fellow class mates, and teacher. I guess it's my way of showing motivation to our Professor. I do actually know quite a bit about computers, it just took some time for me to get into school, I have 2 little one at home that require a lot of attention and I haven't been able to go back until now. I've taken Computer programming, and I have and associates in communications. Now I'm in no way some sort of genius or claim to be either, I just don't mind doing research. I already checked out Tiger Direct, But I'll check out Newegg, thanks for the suggestions.. I appreciate you replying. Thanks again!
  4. xXxBG

    xXxBG Regular member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    I would do the Same thing Dude.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2007

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