I need help with dvd copying "PLEASE"

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by matt1231, Dec 9, 2007.

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  1. matt1231

    matt1231 Guest

    Hi guys,

    I am new at this. i have been burning dvds. I had some problems but the people on the board helped with the issues. I am now using convertxtodvd and imgburn. I want to copy my friends dvds. The only thing is that they are all copyrighted. How do I do this or can I with the programs I am using to burn with. I have never ripped a dvd. Do I need to install other programs than what I have. I am running windows xp. I installed convertxtodvd and imgburn. Will these programs work.There is probably a thread for this somewhere but I can't find it.All the help I can get on this would be much appreciated. And thanks to evertone for helping me with my previous burning problems.

  2. bilbo65

    bilbo65 Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Copying DVDs you don't own is illegal and generally frowned upon in these forums.
  3. QuikDraw

    QuikDraw Regular member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    Not a very smart move on your part coming on a help forum where there are 1,000's of people, and tell the world you want help in learning how to pirate copyrighted DVD's. You can only legally make backup copies of DVD's you already own. You can not legally copy your friends DVD's, nor can you legally copy rented DVD's, only what you already own.
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