I'm going to try to teach my self how to soider. I'm hear lots of people talk about how easy it is, you just need practice and time to learn. Well i'm a i'm willing to learn and i have lots of motherboards, chips, and a broken PS2 i can practice on. I know this really not a Xbox discussion but some of you guys soider your chips so i know i would get some great tips here. So i want to know what would be the best soildering iron for installing mod chips and desoider chips? Also how many walts should it have what tips used i use and whats the best soider for it? Last thing i want to know are any tips you guys/girls have. Thank you
I believe I used a 15-watt soldering iron from Radio Shack and rosin core solder. I got the desoldering vaccuum thing as back-up, but since I never had to use it I don't know how well it works. I recommend that you tin all of your wires before soldering. By tin I mean, melt a little solder on the wire before you actually solder it to the point.
K thank for the tip Drew also i forogot to ask if anyone got some links where i can read details on soidering.
Yeah use either a 12W or 15W iron no more, with the smallest tip you can get hold of. Although the 0.1 tips usually don't have a prtective coating over them so they don't last long before they fall to bits. Also use the thinnest solder you can get hold of. Cut the exposed bit of your wires short so you don't have any bare wire not covered with solder. Use desolder copper braid to remove unwanted solder. When soldering to copper pads, place the iron carefully onto the pad and then after after a couple of seconds touch your solder onto the pad with the iron still there. Try not to touch the iron only the pad and don't leave it on for more than a few seconds. Keep you soldering iron clean by wiping the end over with a damp cloth after every couple of points you solder. Just try and be really over cautious at first and practice a lot before attempting anything you may damage. Like anything practice makes perfect.