i need to know how to burn dl dvd-r

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by homie865, Aug 29, 2004.

  1. homie865

    homie865 Member

    Aug 29, 2004
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    i have a LG DVD Burner "HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B" and i want to buy [bold]CHEAP DL DVD-Rs[/bold] and burn them with that specified burner. i tried to read other forumsa but they talked about different brands and since mine is different i got lost. all i want to really do is burn dvds. i can burn the 4.7G ones but not the dual layer ones because i dont have a big enough disc. i was just going to buy bigger discs and saw that they had special burners too. is it possible to burn those discs with this burner? I already use a ripping tool so ill i need is a tool or software to let me burn dvd "files" to a DL DVD-R disc. oh and i have nero 6.?.?.? thats all i know.
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    There aren't any unless $10 a pop qualifies as cheap not to mention the only DL media available is in +R format.

    Quality media is always you're best bet regardless of what burner you have.

    Try DVD Shrink - it'll compress a DVD-9 to fit a 4.7GB blank.

    Your GSA-4081B doesn't support burning dual layer media.
  3. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    You need a double layer burner to burn double layer discs. Yours is a single layer burner I believe. The cheapest DL media I have seen is $9.99. Not exactly cheap.

    Newer versions of Nero support burning DL if you have the right burner for it.
  4. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    They(DL Media) are down to about 6.00 ea. now, but they are not verbatims or riteks. If it works the same as single, I've got to think brand will make a difference. Something you should pay attention to homie, media is one of the biggest problems with failed burns. You can't go wrong with ritek or verbatim.

    So far, I've made 5 DL burns, all with verbatim. NO problems.
  5. homie865

    homie865 Member

    Aug 29, 2004
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    thanx ppl youve been alot of help
  6. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    hi bigorange, thats good to hear about the $6.00 D/L. It might put some pressure on the prices in the right direction. I'm still waiting for $5.00 Riteks. Might be a long wait though.
  7. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Hey frank, I truly think in the next 2 months we'll see the 3.00 disc by ritek. Hear me out before you think I'm nuttier than you already do. lol

    I bought my 1st dual layer disc 2 months ago, they were priced at 25.00! I got a deal and got 'em for 18.00(some deal,lol), then flip told me about a deal where you buy 5 for 15.00 and get one free. That was a month ago and that works out to 12.00 ea..

    BTW, these discs were verbatim, at the time there were only a couple of brands you could even find, much less cheap ones.

    Now,in two months time they are down to 5-6.00, now these aren't ritek or verbatim, but still that's a difference of 19.00/disc in 2 months! You can get ritek now for about 8-9.00 ea.

    I'll bet ya it will force them to lower their price as more and more companies get involved and in another 2 months we'll be able to get a ritek for 3-4 .00. Ya might have to buy 25 or something like that, but I'd do that for that price, wouldn't you?

    BTW, how's that vespa doin'?
  8. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Yep, I would do it. I put my Sony in my new computer and it is just waiting patently for it's cheapskate owner to get some DL for it.
    I did a google search and really couldn't see anything cheaper than the Ritek for $9.99. I kinda got sidetracked though and was looking at one of those Pioneer A-08XL burners. I really do not need another burner!
  9. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Lordy, I know it, I currently have 3 and every time I get around that stuff I'm pricing it til I come to my senses.

    I didn't know you had gotten a DL burner yet. Congrats.

    My problem is at the media prices, I can't find a movie that's DL burn-worthy. LOL

    Here's the thread with all the cheap prices, even tho some are in the UK, I found one with free shipping, you just have to wait a while to get 'em.

    Hope this helps:

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2004
  10. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    I was on the wait list at Sony for over a month so I actually have one of the first DL burners sold in the states. I paid over $200.00 for it, I really should have waited! What are they now? Something like $120.00? ....And I haven't even burned a DL disc yet.
  11. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    I hate to tell ya this, I got my LiteOn for 90.00 on ebay brand new.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2004

    KAMAAINA Guest

    Your software. I use An LG-GSA4082B (DVD+/-/r/rw/ram/cd) and Xcopy Platinum W/RF 'ANY' brand media, and have burned 9 Gb compressed to a 4.7 Gb disc. I don't beleive there is any inherent difference between your burner and mine. Unless your 'BLing' I don't see any need for DL disc's(unless I've missed something). The only thing with the LG is that you have to disable RAM functionality to burn cd's. So anyway, it may not be your unit just your software, are DL discs REALLY necessary? Either way good luck?
  13. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    KAMAAINA, 0% compression is better than any % compression. DL is the same as factory discs, 8.5 G's.....

    Aside from the quality factor, you could also combine a 2 disc set into one disc using compression. Not to mention the number of episodic events like say from television being put on one disc.

    DL offers all kinds of advantages over 4.7 discs. Nothing is REALLY necessary, we could all go back to VCRs and VCDs. :)

    KAMAAINA Guest

    Homie, I just checked your Burners specs. It supports single/dual discs. Just as mine do. BigOrange, thanks for the info though known homies 'key' point was "CHEAP" so it's his software based on that factor, and HELL, I went to DVD 'cause the vhs are taking up to much space. ;)
  15. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    KAMAAINA, nephilium had already told homie that his burner only supported single layer burning so I thought you were asking why switch to DL over single layer.

    Everyone has their reason to switch, mine was for the greatly improved quality over VHS. As far as space one could use VCD and save the same amt. of space over VHS as DVD. But DVD quality is far superior to VCD. Which is why I brought up the fact that DL is superior to SL.

    Homie wanted cheap media, which is why I pointed out that media is one of the biggest problems in DVD burning. That doesn't mean you have to pay an arm and a leg for it, but one should buy good brands of media. For instance I get Ritek G04 for .40-.50 each with free shipping. That is a cheap price but I would buy them if they were more because they are a very dependable brand and preferred in this forum along with verbatim.

    If I misunderstood your intent I apologize. :)

    KAMAAINA Guest

    BigO, I didn't mean to come off harsh. sorry if you perceived it that way. I like many others try to be as helpful as possible and look at ALL aspects in a '?'. Unless I misunderstood lg tech support his book should say the same as mine Single/Dual. His model'4081B'is only a couple of months older than mine'4082B'. BUT anyway I've been running into either idiots or JA's in trying to run down dl's of any kind. any referals?

    Mahalo, ME KA ALOHA!
  17. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    [bold]trying to run down dl's of any kind. any referals? [/bold]

    Do you mean media or burners, or both?

    KAMAAINA Guest

    BigOrange, MY Burner can do it need to find the disc's. Every one of the companies i've contacted are either acting stupid or just don't understand. Of course when I explain I want to get Production quality Disc's (as I give Proposals and demos to various customers and organizations I deal with) and specifically say "I'm looking for the same type of discs you get when you by a dvd which have a silver or gold surface to them and hold more than 2 hours of info." They try to sell me 'double sided disc's. They cost more than i'm going to spend on the hopes that someone will modify or upgrade my services and the other disc's don't play on some of their machines, and I'm sure you understand the asthetics in any small bussines's appearance. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. MAHALO NUI LOA!(Thank You Very Much)
  19. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    here is a thread on DL media prices, some have free shipping:

    Hope this helps:


    Also, usually meritline and newegg both have very good media prices.

    BTW, are you sure your burner supports dual layer burning and that it's just not dual format?

    (your welcome) ;)
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2004

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