If any of you guys have mods on your computers or know of sites that have FUN MODS THAT ARE XBOX LIVE COMPATIBLE then please PM me. FOR ALL OTHER MODDERS: Yes I do make my own mods but i'd like to see what other people are doing. TO ALL LEGIT PLAYER MODDER HATERS: I also have a level 37 legit account but I like to mod aswell. Thanks for any help. =]
All mods for Halo 2(im assuming) work on online... But if you make your own mods, you can use them online, but using them to cheat your lvl is uncool.
Not all maps work on live =[ For example, ones where people have used a model from another map can only be loaded by the modding host (me), and when anyone else tries to join they will be stuck in a "connecting to game" screen for a few minutes and then eventually lag out. Usually maps that are any larger that originals cannot be loaded by non-modders. Also, I have allready been banned from matchmaking and so i can't mod to get my level up. The only way i could become unbanned is to replace my EEPROM with one that hasnt been banned and the only way to get one of them is to buy one off the internet, which, frankly, isn't worth the time.