I need your help please ! digital tv noob

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by elastic19, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. elastic19

    elastic19 Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Right im thinking of getting a Starview box but have a few questions hopefully you guys can answer.

    I moved into a house with ntl installed, we have no outdoor ariel so we connected the tv to ntl connection box. Recently got broadband and the virgin media guy who installed has put a splitter onto connection box. I can currently get all the free to air channels eg 1 to 5, and also MTV and when i scan the through channels i can see other channels but they are all fuzzy so.........

    To recieve all channels through a Starview box do i need a tv package with Virgin?

    Can you get setanta sports though a Starview box?

    Which box is the best to get Starview,Eurovox max 2008,Digivox?

    How do you install/update firmware onto a box??

    I would really appreciate some help, thankyou in advance.
  2. cactikid

    cactikid Active member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    i hear starviews epg not good,i have starview 1 epg crap.
    digivox equal to the box so i am told epg very good.
    eurovox many models beware of clones having a few problems.
    rs232 null modem cable to load info onto box from pc.
    if u get a picture on tv from n*l socket it must be still live and working,basic package needed ,in dublin u get setanta,u can only get what u cc provides,different chs.indifferent areas.

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