Ok......I been looking at reviews and all that stuff but I'm getting really confused and I need some help from the pros. PS I have the chinese version.
a little more info would help us to help you. Which part are you confused? What all have you attempted to do? cheers
I'm sorry but I was in a hurry when I created the thread. ok.......I got my M3 and passkey2 two days ago. I opened it with excitment expecting not too much support from them(I mean right out of the box). I stich in the CD in my computer I see that they have all I need according to all I have read. Then I stick in the Pk2 and the m3 and I findout that this thing is in chinesse. At first I thought that every M3 came in Chinnese but then I went to the M3 forum trying to figure how to change the language but no hope. All I need to know is how to change the language to english.