Has anyone had problems with model idvd16dd from I/O magic?Is this a decent brand or did i waste my money....I'm a newbie. Any feedback would be appreciated thank you
Hi again, What about the DRU-800A Internal DL DVD+/-RW Drive from Sony is that any good? They are $80 with rebate at Compusa thanks
It all depends on who made that I/O magic 16x drive. I/O outsources their burners. I've got 2 of them. The first one I bought last november turned out to be a benq 1620, Very sweet burner. It's booktyping feature makes my backups play in just about anything.Only $40 after staples rebate. Now take the second I/O Magic 16x I bought in february. I bought it at the same staples store as my first one.I wanted it for my spare pc because another burner I had,those backups wouldn't play in a lot of machines and thought I'd get another benq for $40. Boy was I wrong, That second I/O drive was a piece of crap,even with it's own booktyping utility.It was built by EMPA- Middle east FIZO, WTF! Buying a second benq 1620 off of newegg.com took care of that issue. It all depends on who built that drive.If its a benq 1620,programs like nero info tool will tell you. If it's a generic brand name,then nero infotool will tell you: Ide16xdvd-rw or something like that. Let us know how your pc recognizes that I/O burner. For $50,check on the Benq 1640 at newegg.com. The nec 3540 is also another great burner. Some of the sony are re-badged lite-ons. Lite-ons can be booktyped to dvd-rom,just like benq. Booktyping is a very nice feature,if you get a good burner that supports it.I'm not much of a sony dvd-rw fan,but there's a lot worse drives out there. Edit: They may be out of them,but check on the prices of some of these burners. nec/pioneer/lite-on/lg are some of your quality burners. http://www.newegg.com/ProductSort/SubCategory.asp?SubCategory=5
I checked with Nero info tool and it say's in the id string dvdrw 16x...so i guess my drive is not a BenQ. Thanks for the link I going to pick up one of those BenQ or Plextor or litey's. Thanks for all the help. Later
No problem. Stick with a good brand name burner. The firmware in these burners are updated regularly and the compatability on stand alones should be higher than the cheapo/generic brand name burners. I've got 5 burners and there is a huge compatability difference between both my benqs compared to my Khypermedia +8x/Empa I/O magic/ and New HP 640 lightscribe burners. Good Luck!